.. _AntennaFlagger.json#/: AntennaFlagger ============== Detect outliers on antenna or station level based on statistical properties of the visibility data. If an antenna or station is found to be an outlier, all baselines involving this antenna or station are flagged. The outlier detection is repeated for every time step in the input. This step preserves any pre-existing flags, but does not take them into account when computing statistics or detecting outliers. This step is mainly intended for processing of AARTFAAC data, where antennas in a station are used individually. To manually specify an antenna to be flagged, you can use the PreFlagger step with the baseline selection option with a single antenna name `.` .. _AntennaFlagger.json#/inputs: inputs ****** .. _AntennaFlagger.json#/inputs/type: type ++++ :type: ``string`` :default: ``antennaflagger`` :doc: Case-insensitive step type; must be 'antennaflagger' (or 'antflag') `.` .. _AntennaFlagger.json#/inputs/antenna_flagging_max_iterations: antenna_flagging_max_iterations +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``int`` :doc: Detecting outliers is an iterative process where in every iteration, only the unflagged data is analyzed. This parameter controls the maximum number of iterations in the antenna flagging stage `.` :default: ``5`` .. _AntennaFlagger.json#/inputs/antenna_flagging_sigma: antenna_flagging_sigma ++++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``float`` :default: ``3`` :doc: ``Flag an antenna when the statistical properties of its data exceeds this threshold.`` .. _AntennaFlagger.json#/inputs/station_flagging_max_iterations: station_flagging_max_iterations +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``int`` :doc: Detecting outliers is an iterative process where in every iteration, only the unflagged data is analyzed. This parameter controls the maximum number of iterations in the station flagging stage `.` :default: ``5`` .. _AntennaFlagger.json#/inputs/station_flagging_sigma: station_flagging_sigma ++++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``float`` :default: ``2.5`` :doc: Flag all antennas for a station when the statistical properties of its data exceeds this threshold `.` .. _AntennaFlagger.json#/inputs/step_name: step_name +++++++++ :type: ``string`` :default: ``antennaflagger`` :doc: unique name for the step `.`