.. _IDGPredict.json#/: IDGPredict ========== "" .. _IDGPredict.json#/inputs: inputs ****** .. _IDGPredict.json#/inputs/aterm.type: aterm.type ++++++++++++++ :type: ``string`` :default: ``aterms name paramater`` :doc: Use as `atermname.type`, where atermname is the name from the aterms parameter. Type can be one of the following `beam`. .. _IDGPredict.json#/inputs/atermkernelsize: atermkernelsize +++++++++++++++ :type: ``integer`` :default: ``16`` :doc: Kernel size to use for determining aterms. See https://wsclean.readthedocs.io/en/latest/a_term_correction.html?highlight=kernel#kernel-size `.` .. _IDGPredict.json#/inputs/aterms: aterms ++++++ :type: ``bool`` .. _IDGPredict.json#/inputs/aterms/default: default ------- :doc: List of aterm names to use `.` .. _IDGPredict.json#/inputs/beam.differential: beam.differential +++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``bool`` :default: ``False`` :doc: Used in combination with an aterm of type (or name) ``beam`` `.` .. _IDGPredict.json#/inputs/beam.element_response_model: beam.element_response_model +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``string`` :default: ``hamaker`` :doc: Used in combination with an aterm of type (or name) ``beam`` `.` .. _IDGPredict.json#/inputs/beam.frequency_interpolation: beam.frequency_interpolation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``bool`` :default: ``True`` :doc: Used in combination with an aterm of type (or name) ``beam`` `.` .. _IDGPredict.json#/inputs/beam.usechannelfreq: beam.usechannelfreq +++++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``bool`` :default: ``False`` :doc: Used in combination with an aterm of type (or name) ``beam`` `.` .. _IDGPredict.json#/inputs/images: images ++++++ :type: ``list`` :default: ``[]`` :doc: Filename of ``.fits`` model images, one per frequency term. The terms are defined as for a polynomial source spectra (not logarithmic), e.g. see `this WSClean page `__. The frequency in the metadata of the fits files is used as nu0 in the polynomial evaluation `.` .. _IDGPredict.json#/inputs/regions: regions +++++++ :type: ``string`` :default: ``""`` :doc: DS9 regions file describing the facets for IDG prediction `.` .. _IDGPredict.json#/inputs/saveaterms: saveaterms ++++++++++ :type: ``bool`` :default: ``False`` :doc: Save the aterms to disk `.` .. _IDGPredict.json#/inputs/savefacets: savefacets ++++++++++ :type: ``bool`` :default: ``False`` :doc: Write out each facet as a fits file (named facet.fits) `.`