.. _Output.json#/: Output ====== Add intermediate output steps .. _Output.json#/inputs: inputs ****** .. _Output.json#/inputs/msout.chunkduration: msout.chunkduration +++++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``0.0`` :doc: Duration (in seconds) after which to start writing a next measurement set. The new measurement set is named with the number of the chunk (with leading zeros to make it at least contain 3 digits) added in front of the extension, prepended by a dash. For example, if msout is "myobs.ms", the first chunk will be called "myobs-000.ms", the next one "myobs-001.ms", etc. When the values is set to zero (the default), no time chunking is performed. `.` .. _Output.json#/inputs/msout.clusterdesc: msout.clusterdesc +++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``string`` :default: ``""`` :doc: If not empty, create the VDS file using this ClusterDesc file `.` .. _Output.json#/inputs/msout.datacolumn: msout.datacolumn ++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``string`` :default: ``DATA`` :doc: The column in which to write the data. When creating a new MeasurementSet, only column DATA can be used. When updating the input MeasurementSet, any column can be used. If not existing, it will be created first. When this setting is used, the output step always writes the data `.` .. _Output.json#/inputs/msout.flagcolumn: msout.flagcolumn ++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``string`` :default: ``FLAG`` :doc: The column in which to write the flags. When creating a new MeasurementSet, only the name FLAG can be used. When updating the input MeasurementSet, any column name can be used. If not existing, it will be created first. When this setting is used, the output step always writes the flags `.` .. _Output.json#/inputs/msout.overwrite: msout.overwrite +++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``bool`` :default: ``False`` :doc: When creating a new MS, overwrite if already existing `?` .. _Output.json#/inputs/msout.storagemanager.databitrate: msout.storagemanager.databitrate ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``integer`` :default: ``10`` :doc: Number of bits per float used for columns containing visibilities. Can be set to zero to compress weights only `.` .. _Output.json#/inputs/msout.storagemanager.distribution: msout.storagemanager.distribution +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``string`` :default: ``TruncatedGaussian`` :doc: Assumed distribution for compression; "Uniform", "TruncatedGaussian", "Gaussian" or "StudentsT" `.` .. _Output.json#/inputs/msout.storagemanager.disttruncation: msout.storagemanager.disttruncation +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``2.5`` :doc: Truncation level for compression with the Truncated Gaussian distribution `.` .. _Output.json#/inputs/msout.storagemanager.normalization: msout.storagemanager.normalization ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``string`` :default: ``AF`` :doc: Compression normalization method: AF, RF or Row `.` .. _Output.json#/inputs/msout.storagemanager.weightbitrate: msout.storagemanager.weightbitrate ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``integer`` :doc: Number of bits per float used for WEIGHT_SPECTRUM column. Can be set to zero to compress data only. Note that compressing weights will set all polarizations to the same weight (determined by the minimum weight over the polarizations) `.` :default: ``12`` .. _Output.json#/inputs/msout.storagemanager/msout.storagemanager.name: msout.storagemanager/msout.storagemanager.name ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``string`` :default: ``""`` :doc: What storage manager to use. When empty (default), the data will be stored uncompressed. When set to "dysco", the data will be compressed. Settings below will set the compression settings; see `the Dysco wiki `__ and `the paper `__ for more info. The default settings are reasonably conservative and safe `.` .. _Output.json#/inputs/msout.tilenchan: msout.tilenchan +++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``integer`` :doc: For expert user: maximum number of channels per tile in output MS `.` :default: ``8`` .. _Output.json#/inputs/msout.tilesize: msout.tilesize ++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``integer`` :default: ``1024`` :doc: For expert user: tile size (in Kbytes) for the data columns in the output MS `.` .. _Output.json#/inputs/msout.vdsdir: msout.vdsdir ++++++++++++++++ :type: ``string`` :default: ``""`` :doc: Directory where to put the VDS file; if empty, the MS directory is used `.` .. _Output.json#/inputs/msout.weightcolumn: msout.weightcolumn ++++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``string`` :default: ``WEIGHT_SPECTRUM`` :doc: The column in which to write the weights. When creating a new MeasurementSet, only WEIGHT_SPECTRUM can be used. When updating the input Measurementset, any column can be used. If not existing, it will be created first. When this setting is used, the output step always writes the weights `.` .. _Output.json#/inputs/msout/msout.name: msout/msout.name ++++++++++++++++++++ :type: ``string`` :doc: Name of new output MeasurementSet; if empty, the input MS is updated. The other msout parameters are not applicable (apart from ``countflag``). Normally an update is only done if a step is given that can change the data (e.g. PreFlagger). However, a name '.' or a name equal to the name of the input MS means that the input MS will always be updated, even if no step is given. This is useful if only flagging of NaN-s in the MS needs to be done. Note that when doing averaging, the input MS cannot be updated `.`