.. _StationAdder.json#/: StationAdder ============ Combine multiple stations together into one larger station by adding the visibilities together. A common use case for this is to add the core stations on the superterp station together. It decreases the number of visibilities and therefore the computational cost of subsequent processing, and for some calibration approaches it may also be useful to have a station with a larger signal to noise. Be aware that the new station has a smaller beam than the original stations. .. _StationAdder.json#/inputs: inputs ****** .. _StationAdder.json#/inputs/type: type ++++ :type: ``string`` :default: ``stationadder`` :doc: Case-insensitive step type; must be 'stationadder' `.` .. _StationAdder.json#/inputs/autocorr: autocorr ++++++++ :type: ``boolean`` :default: ``False`` :doc: Form new auto-correlations `?` .. _StationAdder.json#/inputs/average: average +++++++ :type: ``boolean`` :default: ``True`` :doc: Is a visibility of a new station the weighted average of its input visibilities and its UVW the weighted average of the input UVWs `?` .. _StationAdder.json#/inputs/minpoints: minpoints +++++++++ :type: ``integer`` :default: ``1`` :doc: Flag a new data point if number of unflagged data points added is less than ``minpoints`` `.` .. _StationAdder.json#/inputs/stations: stations ++++++++ :type: ``record`` :doc: One or more names of new stations each followed by the list of stations it consists of. A station name in the list can be a glob-like pattern. Optionally such a pattern can be negated by a ! or ^ meaning that names matching that pattern are excluded from the selection so far. For example: ``stations={ST6:'CS00[2-7]*'}`` can be used to form the superstation from all superterp stations. ``{ST6:['CS00[2-7]*','!CS005*']}`` is similar, but excludes CS005. ``{ST001:[CS001,CS002,CS003], ST002:[CS004,CS005,CS006]}`` defines 2 new stations ST001 and ST002 consisting of the stations in the lists following their names. .. _StationAdder.json#/inputs/step_name: step_name +++++++++ :type: ``string`` :default: ``stationadder`` :doc: unique name for the step `.` .. _StationAdder.json#/inputs/sumauto: sumauto +++++++ :type: ``boolean`` :default: ``True`` :doc: If ``true``, form new auto-correlations based on existing autocorrelations. If ``false``, use the cross-correlations to form new auto-correlations `.` .. _StationAdder.json#/inputs/useweights: useweights ++++++++++ :type: ``boolean`` :default: ``True`` :doc: Use the input data weights? False means all input visibilities have weight 1 `.`