.. _UVWFlagger.json#/: UVWFlagger ========== Flag based on UVW coordinates, possibly in the direction of another source. .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs: inputs ****** .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/type: type ++++ :type: ``string`` :default: ``uvwflagger`` :doc: Case-insensitive step type; must be 'uvwflagger' or 'uvwflag' `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/beammode: beammode ++++++++ :type: ``enum`` :doc: Beam mode to apply, can be "array_factor", "element" or "default". Default is to apply both the element beam and the array factor `.` :symbols: ``array_factor``, ``element``, ``default`` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/count.path: count.path ++++++++++++++ :type: ``string?`` :default: ``""`` :doc: The directory where to create the flag percentages table. If empty, the path of the input MS is used `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/count.save: count.save ++++++++++++++ :type: ``boolean`` :default: ``False`` :doc: The directory where to create the flag percentages table. If empty, the path of the input MS is used `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/phasecenter: phasecenter +++++++++++ :type: ``string?`` :doc: If given, use this phase center to calculate the UVW coordinates to flag on. The vector can consist of 1, 2 or, 3 values. If one value is given, it must be the name of a moving source (e.g. SUN or JUPITER). Otherwise the first two values must contain a source position that can be given in sexagesimal format or as a value followed by a unit. The third value can contain the direction type; it defaults to J2000. Possible types are GALACTIC, ECLIPTIC, SUPERGAL, J2000, B1950 (as defined in the casacore Measures system) `.` :default: ``[]`` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/step_name: step_name +++++++++ :type: ``string`` :default: ``uvwflagger`` :doc: unique name for the step `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/ulambdamax: ulambdamax ++++++++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``1e15`` :doc: Flag baselines/channels with U > ulambdamax wavelengths `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/ulambdamin: ulambdamin ++++++++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``0`` :doc: Flag baselines/channels with U < ulambdamin wavelengths `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/ulambdarange: ulambdarange ++++++++++++ :type: ``string?`` :default: ``[]`` :doc: Flag baselines/channels with U within one the given ranges (in wavelengths) `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/ummax: ummax +++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``1e15`` :doc: Flag baselines with U > ummax meter `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/ummin: ummin +++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``0`` :doc: Flag baselines with U < ummin meter `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/umrange: umrange +++++++ :type: ``string?`` :default: ``[]`` :doc: Flag baselines with U within one of the given ranges (in meters) `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/uvlambdamax: uvlambdamax +++++++++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``1e15`` :doc: Flag baselines/channels with UV > uvlambdamax wavelengths `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/uvlambdamin: uvlambdamin +++++++++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``0`` :doc: Flag baselines/channels with UV < uvlambdamin wavelengths `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/uvlambdarange: uvlambdarange +++++++++++++ :type: ``string?`` :default: ``[]`` :doc: Flag baselines/channels with UV within one the given ranges (in wavelengths). Delimiters .. and +- can be used to specify a range. E.g., ``uvlambdarange = [20..30, 40+-5]`` flags baselines/channels with UV in range 20-30 wavelengths and 35-45 wavelengths. .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/uvmmax: uvmmax ++++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``1e15`` :doc: Flag baselines with UV > uvmmax meter `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/uvmmin: uvmmin ++++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``0`` :doc: Flag baselines with UV < uvmmin meter `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/uvmrange: uvmrange ++++++++ :type: ``string?`` :default: ``[]`` :doc: Flag baselines with UV within one the given ranges (in meters). Delimiters .. and +- can be used to specify a range. E.g., ``uvmrange = [20..30, 40+-5]`` flags baselines with UV in range 20-30 meter and 35-45 meter .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/vlambdamax: vlambdamax ++++++++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``1e15`` :doc: Flag baselines/channels with V > vlambdamax wavelengths `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/vlambdamin: vlambdamin ++++++++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``0`` :doc: Flag baselines/channels with V < vlambdamin wavelengths `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/vlambdarange: vlambdarange ++++++++++++ :type: ``string?`` :default: ``[]`` :doc: Flag baselines/channels with V within one the given ranges (in wavelengths) `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/vmmax: vmmax +++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``1e15`` :doc: Flag baselines with V > vmmax meter `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/vmmin: vmmin +++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``0`` :doc: Flag baselines with V < vmmin meter `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/vmrange: vmrange +++++++ :type: ``string?`` :default: ``[]`` :doc: Flag baselines with V within one of the given ranges (in meters) `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/wlambdamax: wlambdamax ++++++++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``1e15`` :doc: Flag baselines/channels with W > wlambdamax wavelengths `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/wlambdamin: wlambdamin ++++++++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``0`` :doc: Flag baselines/channels with W < wlambdamin wavelengths `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/wlambdarange: wlambdarange ++++++++++++ :type: ``string?`` :default: ``[]`` :doc: Flag baselines/channels with W within one the given ranges (in wavelengths) `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/wmmax: wmmax +++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``1e15`` :doc: Flag baselines with W > wmmax meter `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/wmmin: wmmin +++++ :type: ``double`` :default: ``0`` :doc: Flag baselines with W < wmmin meter `.` .. _UVWFlagger.json#/inputs/wmrange: wmrange +++++++ :type: ``string?`` :defautl: ``[]`` :doc: Flag baselines with W within one of the given ranges (in meters) `.`